
Video Testimonials

2015 Charity Golf Tournament

2015 Neighbourhood Charitable Alliance

2016 Spring Bling

Community Donation Stories

“At a very stressful, emotional and well just down right crappy time in my life this organization did something so wonderful and amazing I can hardly find words to thank them enough. Kari Pinard, I hope the spelling is correct, you and your associates are amazing. What you did will make such a difference in my life…thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!”

H.Cojocar - Oct 18, 2017

“Proud to be part of the Neighbourhood Charitable Alliance and able to donate $8900 for an ultrasound machine to Erie Shores Hospice. Always a humbling experience!! So blessed to have Hospice in our community.”

Gloria Cavenago - Oct 24, 2017

“Dear Neighbourhood Charitable Alliance,
Thank you very kindly for the wonderful gift. I am very appreciative of your generosity and this will help me in so many ways.
Because of your help and support, I can now focus on my art and being happy. I no longer have to suffer and I will be passing along the kindness. I’m so happy to be apart of this community and so grateful to call Kingsville home.”

Love Brianne Taggart - May 19, 2017

“What an amazing local charity to come to my home tonight to bless our family with an amazingly generous gift. Praise the Lord for this amazing group of people.”

Judy Banman - Nov 16, 2017

“We would like to say ‘Thank You’ to the NCA for their generous donation to our ‘Feed It Forward’ program. This donation will see that over 1800 deserving students will receive a healthy lunch at school in 2018. Thank you!”

Green Heart Lunch Club - Jan 15, 2018

“The members of the Board of Directors and the volunteers of the Kingsville Community Food Bank, would like to give a very big “Thank You” to the Neighbourhood Charitable Alliance, for their financial support over the years. Such generosity allows our local food bank to provide for those in need in our community.”

Linda Lynch, Food Bank Co-ordinator - March 16, 2018

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