NCA provides Kingsville Public School Nutritious Lunches
Dear Neighbourhood Charitable Alliance & Green Heart Lunch Club,
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude on behalf of the students of Kingsville Public School for your continued support of families that may be in need of nutritious and substantial lunches. We have many food programs as Kingsville Public School that endeavor to feed our students healthy brain and body food. The Feed It Forward Program is one of our flagships. It offers community groups, private citizens and staff a chance to buy someone a lunch that is in need. Last year over 300 lunches were purchased for students in need at our school alone. This is incredible!
I would like to extend my sincere thanks for your interest and support in helping our students present as their best selves at school each day. Healthy and nutritious lunches help do this for students. It is because of kindness from community members like you that we are able to meet the needs of our diverse community of learners.
We appreciate your actions in helping us help our students.
Again, thank you very much.
James Cowper
Kingsville Public School
Click here for the full letter: KPS_thanks_Oct2018